MAGIC FLY BIRTH OF THE FLY: THE SECURITY PASS CARRIED BY GENERAL BY GENERAL JOHN PARRAMORE HAD A LARGE YELLOW LABEL. IT READS `WEAPONS RESEARCH`-GRADE 10. IT WAS THIS SLIP OF SILICON AND PLASTIC THAT HAD MADE HIS JOURNEY INTO SUCH A SENSITIVE PLACE POSSIBLE. `AH` GENERAL PARRAMORE, GLAD YOU COULD SPARE THE TIME, A VOICE ECHOED OUT OF A DARKNESS WHICH SHROUDED UNWELCOME EYES FROM RESEARCH HANGAR NUMBER 7. FROM THE SHADOWS CAME AN OUTSTRETCHED HAND FOLLOWED CLOSELY BY A WHITE COAT WORN BY ZED SNELL, CHIEF DESIGNER AT DEL-VARIANT. They are just putting the finishing touches to......HE STARTED TO EXPLAIN. BEFORE HE COULD FINISH THE GENERAL HAD MOVED AWAY AND WAS PEERING EAGERLY INTO THE HANGAR. SNELL THOUGHT HE HAD BETTER COVER THE SILENCE. When your very specific request came through, i immediately thought of our original fly concept. it embodied many of the charcteristics that you specified so --we evolved the fly into something radically different from any other fighting machine, we think. A NOT SO DISTANT COUGH TERMINATED SNELLS DIATRIBE. ah lights please. THE HANGAR INSTANTLY BECAME FULL OF EQUIPMENT,TECHNICIANS AND ONE VERY DISTINCTIVE LOOKING SPACECRAFT. this is the T2..the MAGIC FLY..snell took on a paternalistic gaze as parramore moved towards the hardware for a close inspection. PARRAMORE RECOGNISED VARIOUS EXTERNAL FEATURES, THE GP7 RIPPLE FIRE LASER, THE MULTI LASER DEFLECTIVE ARMOUR. this?. HE POINTED AT AN OCTANGAL POCKET WHICH APPEARED IN FOUR PLACES ON THE REAR OF THE CRAFT. a multi various weapon launcher--it can fire almost anything that you could feasibily carry. the power plants are 4 olympus 972`s with turbo modifications. speed is hover to 2200 metres per second and...SNELL DREW can turn on a credit card. TO SNELLS AMAZEMENT PARRAMORE TURNED AND BEGAN WALKING AWAY. THE GENERAL KEPT WALKING. i want another have 65 days. this is only the prototype!!, PROTESTED SNELL. no, this is mission day minus 64....your pilots will be here in 8 days, i suggest you get a move on..... SNELL LOOKED AT THE TECHNICIANS. THEY LOOKED AT HIM. THEY ALL LOOKED AT THE MAGIC FLY. ITS NAME IS ....... T2 ..... (CODENAMED THE MAGIC FLY) CARRYS A CREW OF 1 WEAPONS 1 GP7 RIPPLEFIRE LASER CANNON,MULTI WEAPON LAUNCHER. POWERPLANT OLYMPUS 972 WITH TURBO MODIFICATIONS. SPEED HOVER TO 2200 METRES PER SECOND. THE BRIEFING: Xv squadron had been recalled 2 weks into a months rest segment. they returned to their carrier to find that not only had orders changed but all their t1 craft had been replaced. In the days that followed they were involved in an intensive training programme. They were all amazed at the agility and firepower the `magic fly` supplied. Together with the odd fright. everybody got caught out by the turbo at some stage. now they were ready--for what?.In the 8 weeks of training they had no indication as to their target. All they knew was that it involved confined space flying and fighting. A challenge for which they all agreed the `magic fly` was superbly suited. 8 hours previously all craft and support equipment had been stowed abaord the carrier `acheon` and they had left gateway for deep space. The pilots concerned themselves with the weapon profiles of their craft and waited for the call to mission briefing. It came soon enough. Parramore waited until all pilots had controlled their pre-flight fidgets before beginning his presentation. The target is a small ore planetoid in an obscure system on the edge of the 7th spiral arm- calledlb-400-21. It was previously mined for precious metals and contains an extensive network of tunnels. Intelligense reports suggest that this is the primary base for the ceti triads. It is our belief that they are using it to service a large selection of military hardware. We also understand that they are devolping a super fighter, the `moth`. We need to know the harware they have, and its capability. So - nobody is carrying any nuclear weapons, we must have this data before you destroy the complex. If we can`t carry nuclear - how do we pickle the place once we have all the data we need?..CAME THE OBVIOUS QUESTION. Even if all your t2`s carried nuclear weapons you could not deliver the tonnage necessary to destroy lb-400-21. Your only chance is to use the nuclear stockpile they have collected. You need a `trigger` to detonate these weapons-somewhere inside that complex is an atomic sledge hammer. once fired this will fly to the neaarest atomic device and detonate it. The end result is a nuclear explosion which will obliterate lb-400-21 Here are your mission objectives. read them well. The drop is scheduled for 1300 hours. Good luck!. MISSION OBJECTIVES. To complete the mission you must navigate your `magic fly` through a vast 3d under ground complex, overcome its defenses and achieve these objectives. 1. Locate and neutralise the communications centre,reactor core,missile defense system and computer centre. 2. Find the inner sanctum,get inside and scan the prototype `moth` before destroying it. 3. Find the atomic sledgehammer and use it. 4. Scan all enemy craft you encounter to obtain information about their capabilities. 5. Escape from the planetoid before it explodes. You must fulfill the first 2 objectives before you destroy the entire complex. The means to do this and possible escape lie within the complex. The asteroid is protected by a large number of enemy craft which patrol the tunnels. These are the forces of the ceti-triad,who will attempt to hunt you down,destroy your ship and terminate your mission. The ceti triad have also placed static defense structures and buildings into the tunnels to prevent enemy aircraft penetrating the complex. most objects you find have some function,either defensive,obstructive or both. FLIGHT GUIDE: The magic fly is simple to navigate and has many defensive and offensive options, these include three types of laser, three types of missiles and a range of `super` weapons designed to overcome `hardened` foe or objects. If you come under attack you have a craft which can manoeuvre in the smallest of spaces,launch defensive `webs` and out-run the enemy with turbo engines. MAIN SCREEN: The main screen is a combination of the view of the view from the magic fly as much information as can be easily be digested while you are controlling the magic fly. The key areas on the main screen are numbered on the main screen graphic. You will find a full description of these in the follwing sections. ACTION TRIANGLES: There are 5 extra info screens which give you access to extra information and features of the `magic fly` they are: . MAP (SEE SECT 2.1) . DAMAGE CONTROL (SEE SECT 4.1) . DATABASE (SEE SECT 12.1) . ENERGY (SEE SECT 5.1) . WEAPONS (SEE SECT 3.1) To see the screens,click on the action triangles on the main screen with the left mouse button, to exit the extra info screens, press the right mouse button or space bar..See your magig fly reference card for the keyboard shortcuts to activate the action triangles..Action triangles are located near the area they provide extra info for. 1. THROTTLE AND THRUSTERS: The throttle and thruster display is replicated in each corner of the screen,showing the positioning on your craft. The throttle part will illuminate to show you how much power your engines are outputting. The thruster elements will become active when you turn,flip or roll. 2. MAP RADAR: This is a miniture 3d map of your local area,with you at the centre. Enemy craft are overlaid as dots. A full map showing all the tunnels you have flown through can be seen by clicking on the `action` triangle in the corner of the map radar.(This is the largest screen to the left of the main screen..and the action triangle is the small left of this) SECT 2.1 EXTRA INFO---MAP: The navigation computer on the `magic fly` has an auto mapping function. This will help you to orientate yourself in the tunnel system and gauge your progress. Only tunnels you have flown through are shown on the map. when you activate the map the centre of the map display shows the current position of the `magic fly`. Your cordinates (x,y and z under cursor) are also shown as are the cordinates of the last docking bay you entered. Click the arrow icons to scroll The map in one of six directions. In representing this 3d world on a 2d screen, the tunnels travelling in each of the 3 planes are coloured differently, the large 3d image on the left is supported by three 2d views in the top right. If the point at very centre of the map images lies on the tunnel it is shown in white. Two other icons are also provided,a takes the map back..(shown on the extra info map..bottom right of the screen..square next to the down key.)to the start position.(where the magic fly is located).b goes to the position of the last docking bay you entered.(b is shown on the extra info screen..far right hand side..3 central squares. 3. CURRENT WEAPON: This is both a weapons selector and indicator showing the quantity of an item you are carrying(except for laser bolts of which you have a limited supply.) to change current weapon click on the triangles located above and below current weapon..(shown on main screen top left corner .2nd box down--has a triangle above and below it)..this will cycle through your availabe weapons. The quantity of each type of weapon available is indicated by the number of red dots below the weapon name. The only weapons which are always be available are lasers. These have unlimited shots as long as the laser unit remains undamaged and you have the energy to fire them.(see energy section) All other weapons are carried in the multi-various launcher. This can carry a limited number of special weapons. You will find these weapons stored in the docking bay,if you want to familiarise yourself with what each weapon looks like, use the action triangle to get`extra info` on weapons. the only other time you will have a chance to view them is when they are fired at you!. THE RANGE OF POSSIBLE WEAPONS ARE: LASERS 1,2, AND 3 -/- CAT MISSILES 1,2, AND 3 -/- WEB MINES 1 AND 2 -/- ATOMIC SLEDGEHAMMER As a particular weapon is selected the targetting system which overlays the targeting window will change to reflect the type of deployment the weapon has. Some weapons are not targeted. At the start of the game you will only have lasers and missiles. You can replace the missiles from the stick piles which are accesed through the docking bays. In addition to all the destructive items you have,you also have the scanner, this has no offensive capability but is used to collect data about the ships you encounter..(part of your mission) any ship which is succesfully scanned can be viewed in the database. this will give you information on how to fly and combat the craft thereby contributing to your completion of magic fly. 3.1 EXTRA INFO-WEAPONS: All the available weapons are shown here in 3d. To change the selected weapon click on the weapon displayed down the right side of the screen. The chosen weapon can be rotated through various positions by clicking on the rotate icons,located at the bottom of the screen. The web cannot be rotated, and the scanner cannot be viewed, as it is part of your ship, and not a weapon. 4 DAMAGE CONTROL: This part of the main screen de[picts a view of your ship. When one or more segments flash this means you have sustained damage in those areas. If you wish to access the damage or activate the damage control systems,click on the damage control action triangle(on the far right of the screen..has a piccy of the fly in it)... 4.1 EXTRA INFO--DAMAGE CONTROL From the small indicator on the main screen you will know if your craft is damaged. The extra info for the damage control will tell you how badly each area id damaged and also give you the opportunity to set repair systems to cure the damage. The repair systems can be set to one of four levels:priority-/-high-/-low-/- or forget(leave damaged). Set the desired level; of repair by clicking alongside the damaged part in the appropiate column. The repair system has a limied amount of resources, by setting high or low levels of repair you are specifying the proportion of the effect which goes into repairing the system. The priority setting will set all other reapairs to forget, with all the repair resources going into fixing that item. For a better understanding of where precisely you are damaged, the screen displays a 3d model of the magic fly which can rotate. Overlaid on this are yellow circles which show the site and extent of damage. EXTRA INFO SCREEN--DAMAGE CONTROL: HERE`S A DESCRIPTION OF THIS SCREEN: LETTERS P/H/L/F ..TOP RIGHT OF THE SCREEN....GIVEREPAIR SETTINGS....THESE ARE P = PRIORITY....H = HIGH....L = LOW....F = FORGET. The icons on the right hand side are all the flys described click on the small box(far right) to choose repair level. The icons running from the bottom left of the screen(there are 7 of them) (of which the first 6 of them are the are rotate icons) the last in the line is to reset to the startin position. 5. ENERGY BANKS: This gives you a graphical display of your current energy status. (Right hand side of screen..2nd row..set of three icons) These are the 3 main tanks..with the next icon along being the reserve. as you use energy, the tanks will empty from right to left. When you have no energy left, the magic fly will self destruct. the technolgy is to sensitive to be left floating around. Refurel with energy at docking bays. 5.1 EXTRA INFO--ENERGY To check the fuel status of the magic fly, refer to the extra info-energy screen, this shows exactly how much flying time is left at the current level of power use. Additional information on the amount of energy units used by various systems and weapons is also displayed. The energy shown for weapons is the amount expended per shot. The energy shown for scanner-/-turbo-/-ecm and systems is the amount expended during each minute of use. In an emergency situation, it is possible to de- activate the front and rear sheilds. This is accomplished by clicking on the sheild values above and below the ship graphic. By dropping the shields, you will prolong flight time and this may also give you energy to repair or fire weapons. but beware--if you hit an obstruction or are struck by a weapon with your sheilds lowered, the magic fly may be destroyed. 6. ZONE INDICATOR: The magic fly is navigated through junctions by means of `zone flying` this instrument shows you which zone you are in. (Octangal type bottom right of the main screen) To make navigation of magic fly as simple as possible, zone flying has been designed. This means that it is not neccesary to turn corners, as the navigation computer will do this for you. All that the pilot needs to do is to get the magic fly into the correct zone and make the turn he wants. Imagine the tunnel is split into 5 and middle. by flying in one of these zones you are making the decision as to which direction you wish to go at any intersection. Flying the top zone would be selecting the exit upwards if a tunnel goes in that direction at the next junction. To help you get acquainted with using the zones, a zone indicator is located on the main screen, this illuminates the current zone and also shows your position within the zone. If you roll the ship, the zone indicator moves with you. While moving betwen tunnels(at a junction or kink) you have no control over the magic fly, until you enter the next tunnel section. The disabling of the control and weapon launching is for your own protection. 7. DOCKING AID: To replenish your fuel tanks and weapons, you must find and use the docking bays located within the tunnel complex. The docking aid will give you a visual and audiable signal when you are in the same tunnel as a docking bay. depending on the distance from the bay, the aid will ping at a varying rate. The closer the pings are, the nearer you are to the dicking bay,if the sound is continuous and the indicator is still, then you are directly above the docking bay, a blue door in the floor of the tunnel. From this position you can auto dock..enter the bay,refuel,repair and rearm and also save the game. 8. TURBO COUNTDOWN: The engines of the magic fly have a special modification for turbo speed. this is an ultra high speed escaspe or pursuit mode. It does however have its drawbacks. the turbo must reach a set pressure level in the engine before it is engaged. It takes approx 5 seconds to achieve `turbo` pressure before it is engaged. It takes 5 seconds to shut down and disengae. For this reason we recommend that you use turbo in areas where you know the layout of the tunnels..once the turbo countdown has been started it cannot be aborted. your turbo fire and sped of the fly will increase order to help you judge turbi ignition, the 5 second pressurisation and shutdown periods are displayed as a countdown in the turbo area of the main screen(just below radar..shown as a sextangol shape) if you have a collision whilst using turbo speed, the turbo will automaticallt shutdown to prevent further damage to your ship. 9. COMBAT INDICATORS: The six combat indicators are warning lights to highlight certain situations. THESE ARE: LIGHT 1. MISSILE 1 OR 2 IS COMING IN YOUR DIRECTION. LIGHT 2. A MINE IS NEAR YOUR SHIP. LIGHT 3. THE `CAT` IS FIRING. LIGHT 4. MISSILE 3 HAS BEEN FIRED AT YOU. LIGHT 5. A WEB IS NEAR YOUR SHIP. LIGHT 6. ECM (ELECTRONIC COUNTER MEASURES) IS ACTIVE. Activating ecm sends out a pulse of energy, any guided missile entering this pulse will become confused. The most likely result is that the missile will travel on in a straight line. Thus giving you an opportunity to move out of its path. Sometimes the effect is less predictable. Each use of the `ecm` will use a large amount of energy. 10. TARGETTING WINDOW: In the centre of the main screen is the targetting window, through which you can view out of the magic fly. Through the targetting window you will see a computer enhanced image which enables you to view the tunnel structure as a transparent. This makes seing enemy ships and obstacles easier. you can activate normal vision, but in this type of enviroment we suggest you use enhanced vision for fighting. Enhanced vision is the default mode. The targetting window is overlaid with line graphics which are there to help you fly the ship and target weapons. Depending which weapon you have selected, a targetting cross will appear in various shapes and sizes. The default weapon is the laser. If you experiment with the laser you will discover the lasers always fire in the direction marked by the centre of the targetting window. The targetting cross is used to line the ship up with the target. So aim you ship--not the weapons. Due to the layout of magic flys layout,lasers can fire in either direction(front or rear) missiles always fire in either direction forwards and most of the super weapons fire backwards. Switch to a rear view to target behind. 11. VIEW DIRECTION INDICATOR: This small indicator shows which way the view from the fly is pointing. the arrow inside the can poit in 1 or 2 directions: up for front view and down for rear view. 12. DATABASE: All the data collected when an enemy ship is scanned and stored in a database, where you may view it at your liesure. filling the database is one of your secondary objectives as it will give you the invaluable information if you face that enemy again. 12.1 EXTRA INFO--DATABASE When ever a ship is scanned it will be scanned and stored in the database, click on a ship in the grid to show all information gathered by the scan. This includes a 3d model of the ship which you may examine by use of the 3d model of the ship which you may examine by use of the rotate icons at the bottom left of the screen. To begin with the only ship stored is yours. 13. FAILURE INDICATOR: If at any time you attempt to launch a weapon you dont have or fire a laser which is damaged and the fly cannot carry out that operation, the `x` on the failure indicator will flash to signal a failed operation. This may be due to a failed weapon or not being able to increase in speed due to damaged engines. FULL SCREEN: The main screen has an alternative mode for those magic fly pilots who want a full screen image when hunting down their prey. The full screen mode makes the whole screen an external view. To give the best view,only limited information is overlaid onto this screen, the 12 areas on the main screen are reduced to a vital 4. -/- WEAPON INDICATOR -/- PROBE DOCKING AID -/- TURBO COUNTDOWN -/-TARGETTING FLIGHT AND ACCESS: From the main screen you can toggle between two distinct modes--flight and access. In `flight` mode the mouse movement changes the attitude of the magic fly and enables you to fly the craft. If lasers are your current weapons, the target in the centre of the screen will move with the mouse and the craft will pitch and yaw in response. In the `access` mode a pointer appears which enables you to click on one of the 5 action triangles on the main screen. these takes you to one of 5 sub screens displaying important information. THE FLIP: As magic fly uses `zone` flying you have no normal way of reversing your route should you take a wrong turn or enter a dead end. To change a direction in a tunnel, you can flip the fly over and move off in the opposite direction. This requires perfect timing and engine control. so the navigation computer handles this in the same way as moving through junctions. Again all control and weapons are disabled for your safety. This manoeuvre can be a life saver when being pursued by enemy flying craft. However be careful, if you flip with an enemy craft too close it may not be able to take evasive action and will collide with you. WEAPONS: Each of the different weapons fired by the macig fly has a different effect in the terms of its destructive capability. Some are more effective against ground targets and others more effective against airborne craft. Through experimentation you should be able to work which device suits a given situation best. The number to the right hand side of each weapon indicates the energy level required to fire the weapon. LASERS: The lase cannon mounted under the nose of the magic fly fire pairs of laser bolts in three power settings which are selected by using lasers..1/2 and 3..laser bolts will bounce off smooth surfaces so avoid firing at walls directly ahead of you. As well as performing a destructive function, lasers are used to activate some tunnel structures. The amount of energy needed and the result of the activation is specific to the structure. Remember--using laser 3 all the time may not be necessary and it drains your energy. the lasers always fire directly ahead, so hit a target you will have to position in the centre of the targetting area. sometimes it is easier to attempt `deflection` shots than get a direct alignment with ground targets. MISSILE 1: UNGUIDED. Misile 1 is an unguided high explosive device. it always fires in the direction the fly is pointing. it is very effective against slow ground targets. MISILE 2: PROXIMITY MISILE. This proximity missile will sense the energy feild of any enemy craft and explode. if several ships are close together you have a good chance of hitting more than one with this weapon. MISSILE 3: GUIDED MISSILE This is a guided version of missile lock the missile onto a specific target you must cover the target with the targetting cross and hold it over the target until the missile is locked. when the cross is first placed over the enemy craft you will hear a beep, during this time a second targetting cross will move out from the right of the display. if this reaches your first targetting cross the two will combine to indicate that the missile is locked on target. Once locked the missile can be fired. The percenatge of misses with this weapon is very small. MINE 1: LIMPET MINE The limpet mine is dropped from the rear of the fly and then attaches itself to the nearest surface. Once in position the mine will then arm itself and wait for the craft to come near before exploding. It is not recommended that you drop this weapon and then perform the flip. MINE 2: SPINY NORMAN. The mine is launched an a cube package. Once away from the releasing craft it grows long spines, if the spines are touched, the mine explodes. CAT: The cat is a form of automatic rear defense. Once activated it will position itself behind the fly and act as an automatic rear gunner. It has a shot mechanism limited to 100 rounds. WEB: There may be an occasion when you want to block a tunnel, The web is fired from the back of the fly and expands to form a tunnel wide barrier. Any craft flying into the web will become entangled, that is if not destroyed by the intial collision. ATOMIC SLEDGEHAMMER: A weapon of ultimate destruction, one of these devices is capable of destroying the entire tunnel complex, by locating the nuclear stockpile and acting as a trigger to detonate it. The intelligent systems built into the hammer will try to find the exact centre of the complex before detonation. to help you in this task a clock countdown begins once the hammer is released. SCANNER: Use the scanner to examine enemy craft. The information the scanner gleans will then be stored in the database for you to refer to, this gives you a invaluable information on your enemies and will allow you to fight tham more effeciently..remember part of your mission brief is to bring back as much information about the ceti-triads ships as possible. DOCKING BAY PROCEDURES: You cannot enter the docking bays in `flight mode` switch to access mode bvefore you attempy to dock. Once you have entered a docking bay a probe is launched to communicate your needs. it is spherical in appearence and floats outside the fly. Due to the large number of different craft using the bays and the communications problems between different computer systems, this proved to be the most reliable means of servicing all craft. The docking bay probe will float in front of your targetting cross until you fire. It will then fly to the end of the docking bay and bounce off the wall. The probe is used to make choices and activate systems. The docking bay has a selection screen at either end each with unique options to select. FORWARD VIEW: Has two options: refuel and communications..if you activate refueling the screen will display refueling in progress until the transfer of fuel is complete. REAR VIEW: While your waiting for the energy to come onboard you may want to restock weapons. the supply of your craft is done through the rear screen. You again have two options: repair and rearm. The repair systems in a docking bay will quickly restore all damaged areas to 100% functionality. The rearm option is your means of replacing your missiles and other weapons. it offers you two choices: missiles and special. Most docking bays will have some missiles of the three standard types. You can load these onboard if you wish by choosing the missile type you want. You will be presented with a screen showing the number of missiles in stock. By using the probe on the `down arrow` you can move one missile into your ship. If you want to dump missiles in preference for other items, you can move missiles from the fly to the bay by using the up arrow. If you choose to load special weapons you will be informed of which type is available, each docking bay only carriers one special item in stock at any one time. The multi various weapon launcher can only carry a limited number of each number, usually ten. you can leave the docking bay at any time, though if you leave before repair and refuelling are complete you will have an unprepared craft. LEAVING THE BAY: Once you have made the repairs and refuelled you will want to continue your mission. You can either press the `docking bay eject` key or open the doors with the exit button, either way you will be placed back in the tunnel ready to continue your mission. THE ENEMY: Within the tunnel complex you will encounter a wide range of enemy craft, they will range in their offensive and defensive capabilities, by using the scanner and database you can identify dangerous craft and take suitable action. The hardware of the ceti-triad falls into 5 categories. -/- AIRBORNE ASSAULT -/- GROUND ASSAULT -/- GROUND DEFENSES -/- AIRBORNE RECONNAISSANCE -/- GROUND RECONNAISSANCE AIRBORNE ASSAULT: The majority of craft are airborne craft, given that they were mainly designed for space and high atmosphere work, they can manoeuuvre remarkably well in the confinmes of the tunnel. They will use the hit and run tactics to wear you down, as well as multiple attacks from different directions. Do not expect an under gunned fighter to turn and run, he is more likely to to go `head to head` or lead you into an ambush. Most flying ships can fire lasers and missiles. The amount of punishment they can take is very much dependent on the type of craft. some of the `heavy assault` fighters can take as much damage as ground based craft. AIRBORNE RECONNASSIANCE In support of the airborne fighters are airborne reconnassance, known as ar ships, these patrol all parts of the complex looking for you. if you come across an ar ship and it escapes, then there is a good chance that the fighters will be despatched to your present location. GROUND ASSAULT: These craft have substantial firepower and are heavily armoured, they are located around sensitive areas as guards, they fire lasers,missiles,webs and mines...the rate of fire on some is so high that you if do not succeed in destroying the craft on the first pass you may not get the opportunity for another. If the craft is a `walker` the legs and underbelly are the best target. GROUND RECONNASSAINCE: The gr craft are scout and supply platforms, they move throghout the complex, some are automated. As well as supplying the docking bays, they also gather information in a similar fashion as the ar ships. though they make good target practise, destroying to many gr ships may affect your ability to get weapons from the docking bays. GROUND DEFENSE: To back up the ground assault craft some locations have a laser turrets and other defensive structures. They are often placed near doors or other obstructions which cause craft to slow down. They can put out of action by repeated use of laser bolts. KEYBOARD CONTROLS: SPACE BAR: TOGGLES BETWEEN MAIN SCREEN AND FULL SCREEN MODE. F PERFORMS A FLIP--TURNS THE CRAFT AROUND C ACTIVATES THE `E.C.M` TAB TOGGLES BETWEN NORMAL AND ENHANCED VISION T STARTS THE TURBO OR SHUTS IT DOWN B STARTS THE AUTO DOCKING SEQUENCE(YOU MUST BE STATIONARY AND IN ACCESS MODE TO DOCK) A ARMS ATOMIC SLEDGHAMMER EXTRAS INFO SCREENS CONTROLS: E DISPLAYS ENERGY D DISPLAYS DAMAGE CONTROL M DISPLAYS MAP W DISPALYS THE WEAPONS S DISPLAYS THE DATBASE GRID(NOTE YOU CANNOT DISPLAY THE GRID WHILST IN REVERSE VIEW) V REVERSES THE VIEW (Pause)...More(y/n/ns)? + INCREASES THE THROTTLES(ON KEYBOARD..NOT NUMERIC) - DECREASES .............(........................) SPACE OR RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON--EXITS FROM EXTRA INFO SCREEN. ARROWS UP AND DOWN...CYCLES THROUGH WEAPONS <> ROLLS THE CRAFT LEFT OR RIGHT F3 TOGGLES THE SIGHT ON/OFF IN THE CENTRE OF THE TARGETTING WINDOW F10 ABORTS THE GAME AMIGA KEYS PAUSES THE GAME WHEN HELD DOWN. SOUND IF YOU HAVE A MEG..ITS BETTER FOR YER!!! SAVING THE GAME: You will need a blank formatted disk, to save your game position, saving can only be done within the docking bay. 1. ENTER A DOCKING BAY. IF NOT ALREADY SELECTED, SELECT THE FRONT VIEW BY PRESSING `V`. 2. FROM THE INTIAL MENU MOVE THE PROBE OVER COMMUNICATION AND PRESS THE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON. 3. INSERT THE WRITE ENABLED BLANK,FORMATTED DISK 4. IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 1 DRIVE AN OPTION SCREEN WILL APPEAR ALLOWING YOU TO SELECT DRIVE. 5. WAS PART OF THE PROTECTION...IF YOUR USING A PIRATED COPY...YOU ARENT ARE YOU?.....JUST PRESS ANYTHING ON PASSWORD REQUEST...AND REMEMBER IF YOU LIKE THE GAME BUY THE ORIGINAL...KEEP THE SOFTWARE COMPANYS IN BUSINESS FOR MORE OF THIS COOL SOFTWARE. End.